Launchbox theming: Video control aspect ratio forced to 4:3? (VLC backend)

Issue #5302 new
Michiel created an issue

(bug/enhancement Launchbox version 10.14)

I’m Shadowfire, the author of Launchbox Lambda beta theme. On release some users seemed to be bothered by 16:9 videos having ‘black bars’ above and below the videos ('letterboxing'), probably because the video control seems to enforce a 4:3 aspect ratio.

Looking at the video control code in the GameDetails.xaml (which is the same as in other themes):

<controls:VideoControl x:Name="VideoControl" Height="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Converter={StaticResource VideoWidthToHeightConverter}}"/>

it seems that removing the Height property will resolve the issue for WMP however will mess things up for VLC. Text that should be below the video will overlap the video:

I asume VideoWidthToHeightConverter enforces 4:3 for VLC as a workaround for this? Is this something that can possibly be fixed for other aspect ratios or is this just a limitation for now?

Note: for now I have found a workaround for my theme that can enforce a different aspect ratio (e.g. 16:9) by removing the VideoWidthToHeightConverter and using a transparent PNG placeholder with the preferred aspect ratio on it’s container instead.

User discussion on my theme page: