Ledblinky not updated when LB/BB runs in attract mode

Issue #5305 new
Raphael P created an issue

When LB/BB is browser using the keyboard/gamepad/controller by a user, it passes the rom name it displays to LEDblinky. allowing people with led marquees to display a nice game clear logo, or gif animation, to the dmd display.

As soon BB start to run autonomously using Attract mode, this information is not passed to LEDblinky anymore. Result is that the last manually chosen game logo keeps displaying on the DMD, and that the games which are randomly picked by BB do not update the marque/logo on the display.

Here is a video describing the issue : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sEVOVZmMXmK6A9lPNH21Ezo5Wb2SHaOH/view

And here is an exchange between Cbeatt and myself regarding the isue :

6:05 PM_]_ CBeatt13: 

Yeah. Can you do me a favor. Do the same thing in Text Games View and see if it working in there. Noticing some of the views don't call to LEDBlinky the same way others do. Want to try and confirm my suspicions before making any changes

[6:05 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

Just change the view you are using and try again, and tell me if there are any views that it DOES work on

[6:06 PM_]_ meaning:

ok so switching from clear logo view to text view ?

[6:06 PM_]_ meaning:

in the theme settings ?

[6:06 PM_]_ meaning:

right ?

[6:09 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

Yeah. In options. Give me a second I forgot the exact path/name of the options. Should be Options -> Views or something similar

[6:09 PM_]_ meaning:


[6:09 PM_]_ meaning:

in the theme options, I can change to text or wheel

[6:09 PM_]_ meaning:

I'm now in text mode

[6:11 PM_]_ meaning:

[6:11 PM_]_ meaning:

Same issue

[6:17 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

Ah yeah. Looks like when attract mode starts it fires LEDBlinky.ScreenSaverStart and then doesn't call GameSelect at all while Attract mode is on

[6:17 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

I've never used or even opened LEDBlinky before so I'm not sure how best to use that information though unfortunately

[6:23 PM_]_ meaning:

Yeah this is what i thought, it doesn’t pass the game to ledblinky

[6:23 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

Nope. Attract mode starts screensaver (Parameter 5, for whatever that may be worth) and then doesn't do Game select logic again until attract mode is off

[6:25 PM_]_ meaning:

Do I create a ticket for that? I know its a niche...but damn it would be good to get this working

[6:25 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

Yes please. Will let Jason know to expect it. I gotta step out for a bit as well and don't want to forget it

[6:26 PM_]_ meaning:

Cool thanks!

I’m available on the discord server to clarify, test, help if needed!

Thanks !!!!

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Leaving note to future self: This is caused because attract mode starts LEDBlinky screensaver, and because the screen saver is running the Game Select call early outs.

  2. Raphael P reporter

    As discussed, why do we start the ledblinky screensaver when attract mode starts? could we simply…not start it?

    this way, ledblinky would keep getting the rom names from the frontend while in attract mode, and I guess there would be no code writing needed (simply remove the code that starts the screensaver).

    discussion below :

    4:03 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

    Can assign screensaver here from what I can tell

    [4:03 PM_]_ meaning:

    ah ok

    [4:03 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

    There'd be no way for the screensaver to sync up exactly to the game displayed in LaunchBox

    [4:03 PM_]_ meaning:

    but as attract mode will start the screen saver only once

    [4:03 PM_]_ meaning:

    it will not be helping that much

    [4:03 PM_]_ meaning:

    ledblinky will keep not getting the rom names from the nfrontend

    [4:04 PM_]_ CBeatt13:


    [4:04 PM_]_ meaning:

    yeah, for a second I was thinking this could have been fixed on ledblinky side

    [4:05 PM_]_ meaning:

    but, still, why are we starting a ledblinky screensaver chen attract mode starts ?

    [4:05 PM_]_ meaning:

    can we just not remove the screensaver start if no one uses it anyways ?

    [4:07 PM_]_ meaning:

    then LB would simply tell the roms it displays like it always does, right ?

    [4:07 PM_]_ meaning:

    and the attract mode would display the marquees on the led display as games are randomly picked by the FE

    [4:08 PM_]_ CBeatt13:

    Not sure why the screensaver was decided. Would assume since most use LEDBlinky for control LEDs not LED marquee like you are. May be best to update the BitBucket ticket so Jason can see everything first hand

  3. Raphael P reporter

    did you guys had the chance to discuss about that ? Can we avoid to launch the ledblinky screensaver once attract mode starts ? It would really make my day.

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