Option to create custom submenus and manual sorting in BigBox

Issue #534 resolved
CriticalCid created an issue

It would be awesome to have the option to create custom submenus (and submenus within submenus) in BigBox.

For example: If I want to view my platforms I have to choose “View Platforms” and BigBox will show me all my created platforms in alphabetical order.

But I would rather create my own submenu in which I could choose if I want to see all my platforms, a platform category like “Handhelds” or “Consoles” or something completely different like various Lists.

Also the option to integrate menu items shouldn’t be exclusive to one category it should be able to have a mix of different types like “Platforms”, “Custom filters”, “Genre”, “Series”, etc.

And in addition I would want the option to manually sort in which order the menu items should be arranged.

I made an example how I would personally create and sort my Submenu if this feature would be integrated so that you have an idea what I exactly mean.

Comments (14)

  1. William Jones

    I forward this motion. An additional feature that would be sweet is to be able to list your console platforms or any other game platforms (i.e. Arcade, Computers and Handheld) chronologically. You could not only list all platforms in chronological order, but also create a nested list of all add-ons for said console (Sega CD and 32X), Japanese console variant (i.e. Famicom as opposed to NES) and digital download games (i.e. WiiWare games). It could look something like this:

    • Consoles
      • Atari 2600
      • Intellivision
      • Colecovision
      • NES
        • Famicom games
        • NES games
        • Famicom Disk System games
      • Genesis
        • Genesis games
        • Sega CD games
        • Sega 32X games
      • PS1
      • N64
        • N64 games
        • N64 DD games
      • Gamecube
      • Wii
        • Wii games
        • WiiWare games
  2. William Jones

    Another approach could be using folders. Similar to Spotify, which uses playlist folders, you could create a folder named "Consoles" and allow users to drag-and-drop which platforms they want into the folder. Then, if the users wanted to chronologically organize these platforms, or alphabetize them etc. they could have the ability to drag-and-drop the order of those platforms. Further, you could allow sub-folders (i.e. Nintendo) to be created within those folders and drag the platforms NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, and Wii into that sub-folder and allow the user to drag-and-drop those platforms to be categorized alphabetically or however they'd like

  3. Donald Yarbrough

    Highly agreed on this idea! If you add this feature, hyperspin and other frontend users will be switching to launchbox by the hundreds, if not thousands :)

  4. Jo Taylor

    The FOLDER option would be absolutely EPIC / PERFECT for drag dropping whole enitre collections of games you already have organised. When you have collections like Mame, you may not have all of the games tagged as a certain Genre, and even if they ARE tagged as a genre, they might have a spelling mistake, they may have an extra word, or words which are back to front, therefore generating a different genre independent from what you're looking for... Things get messy and complicated when relying on genres in that way, however this FOLDER method is perfect.

    No NEED to go through every single game typing manually in each and every field attribute for genres, but just drag the contents a folder into Launchbox instead... Job done. Would ALSO have the actual organisation of actual file structure in tact too, which would mean finding games easier, managing genres, faster, so many benefits come from using custom sub-platforms.

    I would have at least like this personally: (I actually prefer the Normal layout to BigBox mode myself - and this would really help organize that list of platforms)


  5. William Jones

    This is sorely needed. Everyone's got different tastes so being able to configure it to your own needs is huge. For example, the new beta has platform categories set up, which is great! However, my Mugen and OpenBor games appear under the Arcade section.

    This drives me crazy because I want to put them in a folder titled "Miscellaneous" or "Various". The platform categories are great, but I don't agree with them in some cases

  6. Jay Thompson

    I would love to see this as well. Here is my vision. All in BigBox.

    • Arcade
      • MAME
        • SHMUPS
        • Fighter
        • Puzzle
        • Platformer
        • Etc
      • AAE
      • Daphne
      • Model 2
      • Etc
    • Computers
      • Amiga
      • Atari ST
      • Commodore 64
      • Etc
    • Consoles
      • Atari 2600
      • Colecovision
      • Genesis
      • NES
      • SNES
      • Etc
    • Handhelds
      • Gameboy
      • Lynx
      • Gamegear
      • PSP
      • Etc
    • Jukebox (App launched directly from top level)
    • Magazines
      • Nintendo Power
      • NGC
      • Retro Gamer
      • Vidiot
    • Karaoke (LOL just kidding. But hey, why not? I've seen it before.)
    • Comics
      • Spiderman
      • X-Men
      • Batman
      • Superman
    • Pinball
      • Future Pinball
      • Visual Pinball
      • Pinball FX2
      • Pinball Arcade
      • Zacharia Pinball

    Basically, folder structure. I'd like to choose my own categories and arrange as I like and not be locked in to a certain scheme. OK, maybe too much to ask for but I can dream right?

  7. ZeroX9876

    I would put some complete romset in different sub-menus, translated games section and hacks/mods in another one. This is a must for LB!

  8. modjooo

    this would deliver so much freedom to the user. and would make other requested features redundant (e.g. show only favourite games in big box)

    +1 for the folder idea

  9. Guillaume Favre

    Hi everyone ! i'm VIKING from forum ;-)

    The approach that seems to me the most complete will be a drag&drop module, identical to WordPress menu tool. In a single interface, we could manage all platform, playlists, sub-menu and control the display order !

    In "menu" panel, we can : - Drag&drop platform and choose their order. - Creat Sub-Menu, drag&drop and choose their order. - Creat Playlist, drag&drop and choose their order.

    To populate playlist, in LaunchBox, "right click on a game" > "add to PlayList" > "Playlist X"

    And the bonus feature, a checkbox by Platform to display it (or not) in BigBox. This will be a perfect way to use LaunchBox as a back office for Arcade cabinet users. That way, platforms still needing work will not be visible in BigBox.

    For those who have never used the WordPress back office, here is a video showing the MENU option panel. Imagine this principle in LaunchBox. The power of the tools !!!! Video Exemple

    What do you think ?


  10. phink108

    Also to be able to label games with more than one criteria as some games can be an fps and 3rd person and can be simply changed between the 2 with the push of a button like in Starseige Tribes

  11. Jason Carr repo owner
    • edited description
    • changed status to resolved

    This was implemented quite a while ago, via nested playlists and categories. If you're missing a feature, please create a new ticket.

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