Roms disappearing when restarting program

Issue #5345 new
NarNar1857 created an issue


My NES roms keep disappearing whenever I restart the software, and in some platforms, the rom configuration reverts to default.

One example of the latter, is the name of a rom reverting to it’s file name, and losing all media association. This issue is less frequent, but the NES roms disappearing is constant.

LaunchBox Version: 10.15

Windows 10

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Do you happen to be killing the process with Task Manager? Other than that, I’m not sure why that would be happening but I know that doesn’t happen with regular use.

  2. NarNar1857 reporter

    There was a previous comment here that probably had the solution to my problem. I think the issue may have been with the XML files. I use the built in scrapper for the images and Skrapper for the videos, and I think Skrapper may be messing with the XML files, or at least creating some sort of confusion. I will test this and update as soon as I can.

  3. Retro808

    That was my comment. Not sure what happened to it. We have seen in the past some users have multiple platform xaml names in the \Data\Platforms folder and this same issue happen. One case a user was making backups of his platform xaml in the same folder and it caused changes or additions to not be kept. So make sure in your data folder you only have one platform xml peer platform xml. Even if you have for example: Sega Genesis.xaml and then Sega Genesis_Backup.xaml LB will have issues with this.

  4. NarNar1857 reporter

    Sorry about the delay in the reply.

    Today I opened LB and the NES roms were there. Despite this, I accessed the \Data\Platforms and confirmed that there were backup .XML files for every platform. I moved all backup files from that folder and restarted LB, and the NES roms were still there. If the roms disappear again in the next few days, I’ll update this thread.

    Another curious thing I noticed, is that some platforms had a text document like this one “Nintendo Wii U.Missing.Serial.txt”, with the contents being:


    I checked this platform, and my LoZ: BoTW lost it’s media association, before and after moving the backup files. Could this file be related to the issue? I have more files like this one, but the media association for all other roms is fine.

    Thank you all for your time and for helping me solve this issue.

  5. Retro808

    Not sure what those txt files are. They are not anything I have ever seen LB create. Is your build of Launchbox one you imported and set everything up yourself or one of those builds others have posted for people to download? Curios, as LB has never created backup platform xaml files directly in the \Data\Platforms folder or those text files either. I have seen some users post those backups were in a build donwload they did.

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