Make platforms hidden in big box

Issue #5403 duplicate
Paul guber created an issue

Just to be able to show or hide whatever you want really. Especially to be able to hide platforms would be awesome.

Comments (4)

  1. Retro808

    There are several of these posts made. It would be best to use one of the ones made that have the most votes so the team can see easier how many users are voting for this. When the next poll comes (we do not know when that is as of today) this would be better for getting it on the poll.

  2. Mulavac

    If there are truly several of these posts being made, what list needs to be consolidated, polled or voted on? Am I missing something? If I hear everybody’s stomach grumbling, its dinner time!!!! They even already told you what they want to eat. No conversation needed. ❤ 🙂

  3. Retro808

    Please do not post your request on several tickets. Keep it to the relevant open ticket so we can more efficiently track data. The fragmenting already reduces the overall votes the original ticket could have which means manual intervention.

    We appreciate your enthusiasm for this item. If/when the team decides to implement this their decision will be posted. Conversations should always be welcomed regardless of how many votes or how many posts there are.

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