Manual metadata/midia update

Issue #5435 new
Giuliano Boava created an issue

There are some situations in which the user's metadata/midia may be out of date or incorrect. For example:

  1. An ID has been removed from the database (usually because it is embedded as a clone of another ID). In this case, the game has an invalid ID.
  2. Some metadata are updated in the database and their values ​​are out of date in the users' metadata.
  3. In some situations, when a game ID is changed or removed (due to an incorrect association), some metadata are not changed ou deleted (most notable here is "Notes"). Some metadata remains with the values ​​of the previous association.
  4. Some new games are added to the database and can be associated with a user’s specific game which did not yet have an ID.
  5. Similar to item 2, the same can happen with new media added to the database.

Although there are several features in LaunchBox for metadata and media updates, sometimes the user does not want all of these updates to be made automatically by LaunchBox as the user himself has already made some manual adjustments to his library.

My suggestion for a new feature would be an update mode that would show the user all inconsistencies and differences with the database and allow the user to manually select what actions to take. A possible list of updates would be:
(P1) For platforms with association, list metadata that differs from the database.
(P2) For platforms with association, list media that are present in the database and absent in the user's media.
(P3) For platforms with no association, list possible associations.
(G1) For games with ID, list games with invalid ID and propose new associations.
(G2) For games with ID, list metadata that differs from the database.
(G3) For games with ID, list media that are present in the database and absent in the user's media.
(G4) For games without ID, list possible associations.
(G5) For games without ID, list metadata that should be blank.
(G6) Identify games with the same ID and propose a combination.

As said, much of this is done automatically, but it is very difficult to identify what has changed on a platform with many games. As an example, on a platform with more than 1000 games, there may be some that have no ID but that LaunchBox associates with a similar name (incorrectly). In that case, when updating the platform, we would have to look at all 1000 games to see if something was done incorrectly. With an automatic identification process, but with manual updating, it would be easier to keep the data updated and reliable.

Thank you!

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