Access Itch Library

Issue #5443 duplicate
Quinn created an issue

Hello, I am aware this is going to get folded into Issue #4418, but as Itch isn't mentioned there and it is specifically relevant, I felt it was better to make a new issue than a comment on that one.

Due to the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, 814,587 people now own at least 1,741 Itch items, a huge chunk of which are computer games (there is a bunch of other stuff mixed in there as well). Some portion of that is Launchbox users (me, for one), and it would be a great boon to them to be able to access their Itch libraries directly, rather than having to install the games and have Launchbox hunt for them as Windows games.

Note: Yes, the Bundle doesn't dump directly into their library, but I just went through and grabbed all the ones I obviously want to try, and it's over 100, so Itch just jumped from being a random side source of games to a significant portion of my collection. The fact that that change is happening to so many people is why I think it is justified to call attention to this platform.

It is my hope that this is easily feasible.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    I do personally use the issue you referenced to keep track and notify people of new storefronts being added. We realize the desire for this storefront and I do have it on the list. Right now it is a matter of deciding where it should fall in the list. I will combine this issue with 4418 but wanted to make sure you knew we heard you and acknowledge that this implement would be beneficial. Just got to find the time to get it put in.

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