Some games with community star ratings are not appearing as expected in sorting, and playlists

Issue #5459 closed
Mark Tomas created an issue

I’m noticing that sometimes games with high community star ratings are not appearing in the expected order and tier when arranging by star rating within a given platform. Also, they are not auto populating into custom playlists where star rating is a condition and the range specified should include the game based on it’s star rating.

A few examples, although I’ve run into many more:

Olympic Summer Games: Atlanta 1996 for 3DO - Rated 3.25 by community, and appearing in the Not Rated sort area

C.P.U. Bach for 3DO - Rated 3.83 by community, and appearing in Not Rated

Moraffs World for Dos - Rated 5 and appearing in Not Rated

I’m not sure if this is affecting some platforms more than others, but it is especially bad for Mattel Intellivision

Comments (4)

  1. Retro808

    In >LaunchBox>Tools under the Search section do you have the box checked to use Community Star Rating When Filtering?

  2. Mark Tomas reporter

    Thanks for sharing that setting. I was not aware of it. That seems to have solved the issue. In my case it appears many of the star rated games had only 2-3 community ratings. The reason they did not appear was because the default minimum is set at 5 in the search section.

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