New autogenerated child playlist type - Rating / Rating +

Issue #5464 new
Mark Tomas created an issue

I found that it was quite useful to create a per platform playlist so that while in BigBox, or Launchbox, I could quickly browse only select high community rated titles. The methodology that I came up with was two have two categories under each platform, “rating” and “Rating+”. Each of these would contain playlists based upon a star rating range and a common platform. In my specific implementation I labeled them as “top”, “high”, “good” and “decent”. These worked nicely in that they implied the highest quality tier with “top” and lowest with “decent”, and four terms happened to descent in reverse alphabetical order. Where the playlists under “rating” only contained a specific range for their tier, those under “rating+” provided for their tier and all higher tiers. For example “high” may have a range of 4.1 to 4.499, “high+” would be 4.1 to 5. This provides two quick methods to browse. I tended to create the ranges somewhat differently per console. When a console had lower rated titles, I went a bit lower on some of the ranges for the tiers.

I would suggest adding something similar to this for the autogenerate child playlists feature. Ideally it would be nice to add the ranges before autogenerating. Please see the provided images. This is an example of what I have done, and what could be the output if autogenerated.

Comments (3)

  1. Mark Tomas reporter

    I had another thought on this feature. Instead of arbitrary # ranges, a % based ption to sort would be nice. Ex 90%-100% = top 10% of star rated games. 80%-100% = top 20% of star rated games. 80%-90% a 10% segment of star rated games. This would have an advantage in that it would pull a more definite # of games for auto population.

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