Big Box not displaying stars correctly on ActiveGame.StarRating

Issue #5465 closed
sensatezdemente Doctor created an issue

I’ve been using Licensed LaunchBox/Big Box for over a year now, and this is an issue on Big Box that happens on every theme. When using the default string to display the Stars of a game (ActiveGame.CommunityStarRating), the stars will display the decimals perfectly (example: 2.1, 3.7, etc), taking the pngs from “Images\Theme\Star Icons”

The bug happens when you change the string to ActiveGame.StarRating, which displays your personal user stars for a game, instead of the community average (I use this cause many games don’t even have ratings yet). When you do this, the star graphics from “Images\Theme\Star Icons” become unable to show decimals. It can only show 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars. Nothing more.

In this image, for example, if I rate a game 4.5, Big Box will show my rating as 4.0, no decimals.

Comments (2)

  1. sensatezdemente Doctor reporter

    I’m sorry for not checking before, Jason replied to this on the forums. The stars work on Unified Refried by using StarRatingFloat.

    However, it might not work on other themes, depending on the theme creator. As for reported above, consider it solved.

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