Please add yyyy.MM.dd support for LB and this other stuff

Issue #5466 resolved
sensatezdemente Doctor created an issue

I love LaunchBox! What I don’t love is the forced dating system it uses. In Big Box I can change it alright, but in LaunchBox we’re screwed, because the date is fixed to Text="{Binding PlatformReleaseDate}". Please either change the code so it can be customizable friendly, or add customization options in the menu.

Developer and Publisher are also stuck in a same binding, Text="{Binding DeveloperPublisher}", which means you can’t have them on separate lines if you want, for further customization.

Please refer to the image to see what could be done by changing these 2 bindings to free separate bindings like we have on Big Box, where you can display each thing wherever you want. Free dating format for LaunchBox! Just like Big Box!

Comments (5)

  1. G Becker

    for the rest of the world - if this is adopted can the choice to add DD.MM.YYYY please be considered - we don't all use the US date system….

  2. Christian

    11.3 will respect the data time format used by your OS as much as possible. It has not been released yet but there is a beta version available now that you can opt into if you want to preview this feature as well as the other new features coming in 11.3.

  3. Abraham Soto Valdés

    I managed to set yy-MM-dd on Launchbox by changing my Windows settings, but what about the other options? Set Developer and Publisher separately, etc.

  4. Christian

    The time stamp request has been resolved. If you are still looking to bind Developer and Publisher separately could you please open another ticket. Having a ticket titled appropriate to that request will be easier for users to find a vote on, as well as easier to track for us developers.

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