System.Web.Http dll plugin issues

Issue #5473 resolved
Dale Williams created an issue

Whenever a plugin references any dlls in the namespace System.Web.Http the plugin fails to load and errors while trying to reflect the files in the plugin folder to look for the plugin itself. In fact any dlls in the namespace System.Web.Http just need to be in the folder for the plugin to fail whether they are referenced or not.

Comments (5)

  1. Dale Williams reporter

    I’m not sure what other DLLs are failing while LB tries to determine valid Plugin DLLs. To duplicate the issue, create a test plugin. Add Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost from NuGet (which references System.Web.Http). And copy the plugin to the plugins folder. LB will now error loading plugins. Alternatively, just copy System.Web.Http.dll to the plugins folder and that will cause LB to fail to load.

  2. Dale Williams reporter

    Forgot to state it was version 11.2. Basically it’s the LB plugin detection routines which are failing. I’m guessing LB is not using MEF but just straight reflection and when searching for DLLs which implement the relevant interface it’s erroring somehow on System.Web.Http.dll and instead of just continuing to look, it’s stopping launch of LB. I might be wrong though.

  3. Dale Williams reporter

    I get this error when LaunchBox starts up and is trying to Load Plugins. LaunchBox then shuts down. This happens whenever System.Web.Http.dll is in the Plugins folder or any subfolder thereof. LaunchBox is trying to reflect all DLLs in the plugins folder and to see if any of them implement the IPlugin interfaces. It should be ignoring this DLL but for some reason the Plugin detection code is erroring instead of just ignoring the DLL.

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