Auto-Generate Child Playlists in Category

Issue #5480 new
STAiNLESS created an issue

I would like to be able to Auto-Generate Child Playlists in Categories not just Platforms.
”Consoles” for instance, I would like to include games from all consoles in my Beat 'em Up playlist etc.

Comments (4)

  1. Retro808

    You can create an auto-generate playlist anywhere you want. Just create the playlist and in the Parents tab check the box for the Category you want it to show under.

  2. STAiNLESS reporter

    Thanks Retro808, but yer I know I can do that, but that still does not give the result I am after, also that will take soooo long with the amount of systems i have and to move every playlist auto-generated.
    I want to generate 1 playlist for each genre, and have all consoles in it, not the same one for each console.
    Being able to auto generate playlists from consoles category should do this in a few clicks.

  3. STAiNLESS reporter


    -Genre (auto-generated playlist from Consoles category (in Genre sub))

    --Fighting (this has all fighting games from ALL consoles)

    --SHMUPS (has all shmups from ALL consoles)


  4. Retro808

    Ah misunderstood. I was thinking auto-populate and not auto-generate. Definitely possible, but likely something this niche would need a lot of user support to get added.

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