Startup Videos per theme

Issue #5495 new
Evan Ricks created an issue

There may be a way to do this already, but I can’t find anything on it and I can’t figure it out myself.

I would love to see a way to apply specific startup videos to BigBox on a “per theme” basis. Currently, the only way I can get a startup video to work is to rename it “Startup.mp4” and drop it in LaunchBox/Videos folder. But, I like to change themes from time to time, and it would be great if I could drop a “Startup.mp4” video in the LaunchBox/Themes/*themename*/Videos folder that overrides anything in the main “Videos” folder. This way, when I change themes, the startup video changes along with it.

Thanks in advance if you can make this happen…or if there’s already a way to do it, I’d love to know how!!

Comments (1)

  1. Retro808

    Per theme is currently not an option. You can, however have videos randomize on startup. The way you are applying startup videos is a very old way that changed a couple years ago. The updated way which allows random videos on startup is to create a Startup folder in your \Launchbox]Videos folder. In there you can place as many videos as you like and naming does not matter. BB will select a random one each startup.

    \Launhbox\Videos\Startup (place all your startup videos in this folder)

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