When importing Steam data for existing game, update modified date

Issue #5522 resolved
Chris Edgar created an issue

REQUEST: Please make the Import function (Steam, Epic, etc.) update the Date Modified for all existing game entries it modifies (say, adding new Additional App entry to a game).

EXPLANATION: Currently, it is not updating the Date Modified of a game entry when the import process modifies it.

When I import a batch of games from Steam, it’s nice to see the report (say, 50 games added, 7 additional app entries added to existing games).

I can find the 50 new game entries added by simply sorting by Date Added. But for those 7 pre-existing games where it simply added an Additional App to the existing entry, I am unable to find which games were modified/updated because this process doesn’t update the Date Modified of those games. So they were modified on the sly.

Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Request has been implemented. Will appear in the next release. Should see it in either 11.13-beta14 or the official 11.13 release. Thanks for the report.

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