Misc Enhancement

Issue #5552 new
Juan Carlos created an issue

There IDEAS that MATCH WITH the WISHES of users and others are new, so I have decided to put all my ideas together in a post.

-01 Per-game Update Metadata. When you have a game and LB is updated with new fields. These appear empty.
Currently to update these fields you have to delete the game and import it again.
suggestion: create a metadata update button as in media section:

-02 Per-game Command-Line Parameters. PSX2:There are European games that do not come out with language selection. You need to fully charge with the bio so that the language of the PC comes out. In fuse sinlcair spectrum. There are games that need to be loaded in 128k or +3. And more parameters. Currently you can enter individually or separate the games in folders and the games of 128 in one folder and those of +3 in another folder. Suggestion: Create a tab Game Command-Line Parameters (you can use the selection the retroarch table):

-03.Alternate Name Missing: When using them alternate names disappear. Only delete the game and re-import it. Suggesstion: Add buttons; Move Select up, Move select down

-04. Name in Edit Game window. Only the name of the game is known in the metadata section. Adding the name will help users. Suggestion: add name in upper windows.

-05. Add numbers of games to import. How many games are added? . Suggestion add number of games added from total files added.

-06 More info when adding games. When adding games to a platform for the first time, it should be reported that the platform
appears on the left whell LB. Both in the creation and in the elimination of all games. Suggestion: add more info:

-07 Folders save last selection. I have the folders outside the \Games folder and I always have to press down. Suggestion: that you save selected position last time.

-08 Select folder of multiple folders when adding import file. Sometimes there is more than one folder. therefore it would be convenient to be able to select the correct folder. Suggeston: Add select folder.

-09 Defect \Games folder. Even if the \Games folder is changed, \Games always appear by default.

-010. Add list games via m3u files. For Instance, Sammy Atommiswave has 32 games. In my case I have added 1 file each time to import file from roms \Mame folder. Suggestion: would be better if m3u games list could be imported.

-011. Chek/Uncheck emu. At least retroarch that you have many checks. Suggestion: add buttons Check-Uncheck

012. Select languages using the same selection as Retroarch emu

013. Auto-populated Plataform with the web DB. Currently there are a few auto-populated. But instead of leaving the tooplip should appear a auto-populated as in the games.

014. Show hidden games. 2 Columns, the first to see which ones are the select media and the second to see where the items are not.

015. Drag-'n'-drop items. It should also be possible to do it in emu-window (with one *. exe of emu, automatically detects the emu and auto-populated), on the games screen (with roms for this system automatically detects the roms and add to platform). To avoid this options window:

016. Roms of another platform. If I accidentally put a roms in a wrong platform. How I want to go back?
In my case I entered N64dd along with the N64, but I deleted them manually. Maybe it will be reflected the date of the batch, in order to delete those specific games. Suggestions: Maybe someway eliminate them in the aditory.

017. soon

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