Request: Show only games with no meta data attached.

Issue #5573 invalid
Jeffery Greineder created an issue

I was wondering if it would be possible to add an option, to view only games with no meta data attached. So it would be easier to search and attach data to them. example, TOSEC dreamcast games. You need to go through and search for each game. And once you do it keeps jumping around the list.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    There is a filter in LaunchBox called “Launchbox Database ID”. If you use that and then select “(None)” it will all the games that aren’t not found in the database and thus would have no metadata pulled from it.

    You MAY need to turn ON the option to see “(None”). This can be done by going to Options > Visuals > Filter Side Bar and checking the “Show “(None)” item” option (2nd from top)

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