Marquee Options

Issue #5579 new
D Willz created an issue

Hi, thank you for your hard work and creating such a beautiful front end. Its truly magic!

Is it possible to request alternative marquee images in the platform section. As i would prefer to keep my original banner while having a completely different marquee image. As of now they share the same image source. Is it possible to enable another folder to pick up marquee images instead or possibly have a image preference feature for the marquee, even better yet a whole sub heading or option tailored towards to marquee?

God bless you and keep up the great work.

Kind regards..


Comments (1)

  1. Retro808

    It possible, but currently the user would need to recode the PlatformMarqueeView.xml if one exists on the theme that is being used. If that file does not exist one can be made by simply copying the one from the default theme and editing it.

    Hopefully whenever the next poll comes out update Marquee support can make the list. It just missed out the last two polls.

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