Some Big Box wheel clear images being generated in cache as jpeg - no transparency = black boxes

Issue #5594 resolved
Kyle Telechan created an issue

I’m a huge fan of the new .png/.jpg mix system, but I noticed a small issue that has likely been already noted by someone - figured I’d drop a bug report in anyway.

Some of the “wheel” images are being generated as jpeg - this usually isn’t an issue, but jpeg doesn’t allow for transparency, as far as I’m aware, so a black box results around said images in the interface after regenerating.

I figured as such, so I checked the cache directory myself and the “problem icons” are all in jpg.

LB Version: 11.5
Windows: Two computers, both Windows 10
How often: Always, I assume.
Steps: Regenerate cache, look at BigBox Wheel, see black boxes. While the issue IS happening across two computers, they’re identical in setup, so it could be something else interacting with cache generation.

Comments (5)

  1. Kyle Telechan reporter

    Okay, that was weird. For some reason a few .pngs were originally downloaded as .jpgs, so when the cache goes to regenerate, it’s regenerating them as jpegs. Change the extension to PNG (the correct format) and it works properly. No idea when it got messed up, but it’s got nothing to do with BB, as far as I can tell.

  2. Kyle Telechan reporter

    The issue was in the files on my end. I went into the actual "clear image" folder and noticed that the problem files were extensioned as .jpg even though they were .png. The new system (rightly) assumed that since they were marked as jpeg, they should be converted to jpeg for the cache.

    Not sure where along the line I downloaded mislabeled clear art, but that was the cause.

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