[FEATURE REQUEST] Allow one game to have multiple different roms

Issue #5601 closed
turbobruh created an issue

Has it been considered to allow a user to add multiple roms for a game, similar to the new way videos are handled? For instance, a game would have a default rom that would launch when the game is normally played, but through a right-click on LB, or through the game menu on BB, a user could choose a different rom they have attached to the game (IIRC this is kind of how a user is currently able to launch a specific disk for games with multiple disks).

Personally, this would be my preferred way to add romhacks to LB, but I think this could also extend to people wanting to launch a specific version of the game (a different version number / region).

Comments (8)

  1. Retro808

    This has been possible for quite a while. Use the additional apps option. You can combine roms into a single main rom. Set a default, and right click menu in LB lets you choose the others or from the Game Details screen in BB you can select the other versions.

    During import you can add all the rom versions and have LB combine them into a single rom which will set up the additional apps as seen below. Or if you already have the version imported you can select them all and choose the combine option.

  2. turbobruh reporter

    That seems more like a workaround to me. What if I want to launch the alternate rom with the non-default emulator, would I have to have a different additional apps for each combination of rom and emulator? Additionally, I have some emulators that use the additional apps to provide necessary functionality when the emulator launches, and I personally don’t want roms mixed with necessary windows executables. This certainly doesn’t seem like the “intended” use for Additional Apps, and I think a separate rom section would make importing multiple rom versions as one game much more intuitive.

  3. Retro808

    Its not a workaround it is an actual function that does exactly what you were proposing. You can edit each additional app and assign any emulator you want. To be able to launch any different emulator for an additional app that is currently not possible. So that would make a good suggestion.

    But for now, what your initial suggestion was for is actually already in place. Which is why the ticket was changed to invalid.

    You can edit the initial post change the title to reflect a more appropriate enhancement and provide an update for improvements to the existing process.

  4. turbobruh reporter

    Not to keep beating a dead horse if this issue should be closed, but in my specific use case, I have different emulators for different control schemes (1 emulator with controls mapped 1-to-1 [a=a,x=x], and 1 emulator with controls mapped accurately to the original button positions [a=b,x=y]). Then, with the current system, adding an additional rom to a game through additional apps would cause me to add 2 copies of each rom, 1 for each emulator.

    IIRC, Additional Apps are executables, so the suggestion of launching an additional app with an specific emulator does not make sense to me, and almost seems like a more confusing version of what I am proposing. Also, this does not address my point of mixing required programs for emulator functionality with different versions of a rom, since I use Additional Apps for the former. This is not to say that Additional Apps is flawed, but that I do not believe its main use case should be for different rom versions, and when importing multiple roms for a game adding them to additional apps seems like a step short of having actual full multi-rom support per game.

    I should note that I am approaching this with BigBox in mind, which is why I am opposed to using additional apps for roms, as it would not be clear to anybody not familiar with LB that alternate roms would be accessed through Additional Apps.

    If my above points seem invalid, please let me know and I will close this issue.

  5. Retro808

    What your original ticket proposed is in place. Exactly everything you requested exists and has for quite a while been working for users.

    So from a ticket management aspect, this ticket is no longer valid. That is why the ticket was changed.

    Your points are not invalid. In fact, you bring up good points. That is why I recommended changing the original ticket: Update its title to request enhancements and updating the first post with the enhancements you talked about.

  6. turbobruh reporter

    That makes sense, thank you. Although with how messy this ticket has become I will close this ticket and open a new enhancement ticket.

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