Custom Smart Playlists

Issue #5616 closed
ci2own created an issue

Would be great that LaunchBox allows to create custom Smart Playlists based on a few rules. For example:

  • Playlist is MAME
  • Rating is (more than/less than/equal to/etc.) 4 Stars
  • Developer is (Capcom/SNK/etc.)
  • Release year is (between) 1980 and 1990.
  • Times played is (more/less) than 10.

Obviously this playlist would grow automatically when adding new games which matches the rules.

The best example for all this possibilities is to look at iTunes program which has this feature perfectly implemented.

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    This is possible. Right click on the platform list in the left-hand pane of LB. Add a new playlist and in the Auto-populate tab check the box to make it an auto-populate list then add your selections.

    Ticket closed. You can update your request if you feel this is not an adequate option or would like to see enhancements to what is currently in place.

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