Expose additional button events/bindings for BigBox plugin developers

Issue #5624 new
Adam Fry created an issue

As a plugin developer, I would like (at least) two additional button events in the IBigBoxThemeElementPlugin interface so that I can add custom functionality for “voice search” and for “random game” in addition to the existing button events of up, down, left, right, page up, page down, enter, escape.

For context, Currently my plugin uses the page up event to select a random game and the page down event to perform a voice search. I would love to be able to support paging up and down through games in addition to performing my custom voice search and random game features. As far as I’m concerned, BigBox doesn’t need to do anything with these events, just relay them to the plug-in. To that end, maybe this could be implemented as an additional few generic plug-in inputs like: “plug-in input 1”, “plug-in input 2”, etc…

In addition to these “additional plug-in specific button events” it would be awesome to get the other events in the plug-in API like an event for “flip box art” so that my custom plug-in can know when the user pressed the flip box art button. Or the change view button. Etc…

Comments (7)

  1. Christian

    User is asking for the following abilities with this request:

    Plugins be able to register controller/key binds
    LB/BB to detect the plugins registered key binds
    LB/BB to call the plugin and tell it the requested key bind was pressed

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