Startup Video Time control

Issue #5672 invalid
Jaime Garcia created an issue

hello what happened to time edit of startup video on boot up? can you add this back on. i get a black screen after my starup video plays at bootup. the after a couple of seconds bigbox starts. please add again time edit so we can selet say 16 seconds 13 seconds according to oour video lenght. thank you love this app

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    That option was removed a long time ago as the process for BigBox startup videos changed. If you are storing a startup video named “Startup.mp4” in your videos folder that is an out of date process.

    New process (change took place 10/27/2017):

    1. Create a startup videos folder named “Startup” in your \Launchbox\Videos folder

    2. Add any videos you want to use during startup process in this new folder. File name does not matter. Video length does not matter.

    \Launchbox\Videos\Startup\ (add as many videos as you want in this folder)

    BigBox now plays videos in full then jumps directly into BigBox. If you have more than one video it will select one at random on each startup.

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