Minor game title changes cause loss of game's link to its images

Issue #5683 resolved
Chris Edgar created an issue

If I change the name of a game from “Dark Reign” to “Shadowhand”, it retains all links to previously-linked/downloaded images.

But if I change the name of a game very subtly, just capitalization – say, from “Rise Of The Triad” to “Rise of the Triad” – it will de-link from some (but not all) images. So it might have 20 images linked, but afterward I see 5, for example.

Comments (3)

  1. Chris Edgar reporter
    • edited description

    (Sorry, Flashblock was interfering with the page’s display of the description text.)

  2. Christian

    Thank you for this report. I was able to find an issue that resolved this problem for me. Once the code is pushed into a public build I will update this ticket and would ask that you verify it corrects the problem for you as well.

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