BigBox/LB does not quit correctly

Issue #5686 new
Pete Silva created an issue

On Win7 x64, whenever exiting LaunchBox or BigBox in any manner (X button on window, quit, etc) the window disappears but the process stays running in the background. When I go to launch it again it tells me it is still running and won’t launch 2 instances. I have to use Task Manager to kill it myself every time. This is on an HTPC where it normally hangs out on Kodi, and I launch BigBox when it’s game time. Having to manually fiddle with task manager just to relaunch BB is a pain.

I noticed this maybe 2-3 stable updates ago. Been hoping it would be caught and fixed by now. Hopefully you can reproduce.

Comments (8)

  1. Retro808

    What version are you on? This has been reported on our forum with some of the past updates as random users were experiencing this. We have not seen many reports lately of this occurring in 11.6 or the 11.7 betas.

    Do you experience the same issue when not using Kodi?

  2. Pete Silva reporter

    Version=11.6, stable

    Did the following testing:

    Kodi open (or closed):
    LaunchBox opens + exits fine
    BigBox opens, but 2 processes (LaunchBox.exe, BigBox.exe) stay running after selecting exit from menu but also if I pick “Switch to Desktop Mode” the BigBox fullscreen window closes, but nothing happens after that. No error message actually, but BigBox + LaunchBox processes are still there in Task Manager. If I try to manually launch LaunchBox I get the error message.

    Kodi (open or closed) doesn’t seem to change the above behavior.

    I’m guessing you refactored the process model at some point perhaps? I never previously noticed 2 processes get run (either 2x LaunchBox.exe or LaunchBox.exe + BigBox.exe). Like maybe one is a service/worker process of some kind? Unless that’s totally abnormal behavior.

  3. Pete Silva reporter

    If it makes any difference I don’t have any boxes checked under Options > Integrations other than DOSBox and being logged in to EmuMovies.

    Keep up the good work! Been a customer since 2016 :-)

  4. Retro808

    Thanks for the information. When running BigBox I do not think I have ever seen LaunchBox.exe and BigBox.exe running at the same time on my builds. Normally below is what I see. I would have to refer back to the team on that. So just confirming you are actually seeing both the LB and the BB exe in your task manager when you run BigBox?

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    Having both LB and BB running at the same time is normal for recent releases. I haven’t seen any issues in closing LaunchBox or Big Box though with 11.6. Can you turn on debug logging Pete? It’s available under Tools > Options > General > Debugging in LaunchBox. Then you can send us the most recent log in the LaunchBox\Logs folder after experiencing a run where Big Box won’t exit. Do keep in mind that sometimes Big Box may need a rather long time to exit, if lots of things have changed that need saving. Also, if it’s been killed a lot, it may need some time on exit just to finish saving the cache and other related things.

  6. Retro808

    Thanks Jason. I honestly never noticed. Just checked and sure enough both are running but LB was further down the list as it was idle pretty much.

  7. Pete Silva reporter

    Possibly relevant excerpt:

    2020-10-27 09:02:50 AM Big Box Beginning Shutdown Process...
    2020-10-27 09:02:50 AM Big Box Shutdown: Killing Controller Thread...
    2020-10-27 09:02:50 AM Big Box Shutdown: Killing Keyboard Automation...
    2020-10-27 09:02:50 AM Big Box Shutdown: Clearing View Models...
    2020-10-27 09:02:50 AM Music.Kill Start
    2020-10-27 09:02:50 AM Music.Kill Finished
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Big Box Shutdown: Shutting Down LEDBlinky Support...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Big Box Shutdown: Closing Windows...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Big Box Shutdown: Unhiding Taskbar...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Big Box Shutdown: Unhiding Cursor...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Big Box Shutdown: Saving Selections...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Big Box Shutdown: Shutting Down Audio Engine...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM DataManager.SaveInternal started.
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Thread abort is not supported on this platform.
       at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Saving InputBindings.xml...
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Thread abort is not supported on this platform.
       at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Audio.SoundManager.KillDeviceReleaseThread()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.MenuActions.ExitMenuAction.OnEnter()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.SystemViewModel.nFPoxwFhQp()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.B1Rjq8wR45BgQtCwpyQO(Object )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.BaEOrohL45()
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__274_0(Object obj)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    2020-10-27 09:02:51 AM Saving ListCache.xml...
    2020-10-27 09:02:52 AM Saving Settings.xml...
    2020-10-27 09:02:52 AM Saving BigBoxSettings.xml...
    2020-10-27 09:02:53 AM DataManager.SaveInternal completed successfully.

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