Bulk Edit custom field not working

Issue #5719 resolved
HalfSpeed created an issue

I should be able to delete a custom field out right. I tried to bulk remove a value of a custom field to many games and it doesn’t work.

Comments (43)

  1. Retro808

    Unless I am misunderstanding what you mean, LB can bulk delete custom fields. In the image below I use a custom Field called “Control Method” to display in LB/BB if the user should use the control panel or the gamepad controller. In the bulk edit window I choose the “Custom Field - Control Method” label and then in the next screen choose the value of “Gamepad” to delete. LB has now deleted it from the 20 games I selected.

  2. Retro808

    If you can record a video and show your steps and what happens that might be helpful. Just tested on several machines and it worked on each. Or even provide pics.

  3. Retro808

    Thanks HalfSpeed. I was not able to replicate what is happening on any of my systems. I will have to let the team know. What version LB are you on?

  4. HalfSpeed reporter

    11.7 is there any other way i can be of use. Like a log of whats happening in the code?

  5. Retro808

    If you have logs turned on in LB setting providing a copy of a log from when you tried to bulk edit would be good. Not sure what it might show, but worth at least including. Just have to see if either of the devs can replicate this.

    Also is your LB data stored locally on your pc (not on a cloud/share network server)?

    If you look in your \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder do you have any backup platform xml files in there? There should only be one xml file per platform. If you have backup file in there and the file has the platform name in it, it can cause issues saving data changes.

  6. HalfSpeed reporter
  7. Christian

    Thanks for all the due diligence on this issue you two. I was able to confirm their was an issue with the way Bulk Edit saved custom fields and have made changes to correct it. This should be resolved in the next beta release.

  8. HalfSpeed reporter

    I will update this post when It comes out. and let you know if the change fixed it for me.

  9. Christian

    Could you tell me what you are doing step by step? Is it the same as in the video you posted? Do you have a log from current beta version I could look at as well?

  10. Christian

    May also help if you can zip up your data folder and attach it. Let us know which games/platforms/fields youu are trying to edit that aren’t working so I can vet out that isn’t somehow related to your data.

  11. Christian

    What games/system are you trying to edit. Do any fields work, or is there a particular field you are having problems with?

  12. HalfSpeed reporter

    mainly pc games custom fields are what i want to change but if im not wrong no fields or platform work with bulk edit

  13. Christian

    Think you can send a pick of what you main LB folder looks like, and then one of the data folder. Even with your own data I’m having problems reproducing.

  14. Christian

    I have been testing with your data and think I may have found the issue. Your custom field name is “:”. I saw issues getting changes to the field to save with the field named that and when changed to something else was able to save successfully. Also could you look in platforms folder and make sure you don’t have a “PC Games.xml” AND a “PC_ Games.xml” in there? Could you try to open up the “PC Games.xml” in a text editor with a “Find and Replace” function and replace “<Name>:</Name>” with “<Name>FieldToRemove</Name>” (without quotes on either) and then try to remove the FieldToRemove custom field and let me know if that works?

  15. Christian

    Thanks for that. Did editing the field name work? I have also since posting found some possible bugs in the code that may be affecting you as well that will be in the next beta release.

  16. HalfSpeed reporter

    I can’t tell which <Name>:</Name> to edit

    (I have also since posting found some possible bugs in the code that may be affecting you as well) Like what?

  17. HalfSpeed reporter

    No problem will do.

    If you need me to test anything else out I will. Do you think the issue is my data folder or something else in the core folder.

  18. HalfSpeed reporter

    Works as intended now, but may I ask what caused the issue?

    Also I would love if we could delete custom field out right in settings. Because when you do it in bulk edit, you must do it one value at a time if not it won’t work. As well rename a custom field in settings cause when you do it (BELOW) it just moves that game to a new custom field.

  19. Christian

    Bulk Edit allows you to select multiple values to add or remove so you can clear all values in one edit and not have to do it one field at a time. We made several corrections to Bulk Edit in this release so hard to say which one did it exactly. Glad it is working though for you now.

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