[Feature Request] Chose or set display art without removing assets or randomization

Issue #5752 new
klepp0906 created an issue

I just discussed this on the forums with someone as I wanted to be sure in how it currently functions before I posted here. I also did search by every keyword(s) i could think of trying to see if it was already requested (because you would think it would have been) but I didnt find anything. I apologize if this is a double!

I have some titles, PS1 titles for example that have 2 (sometimes 3) types of box front.   Neither are incorrect.   One is the old style when PSX games came in the tall boxes, and one is the newer version where it is more square.  Or some are the square, and others are the square but including the “binding” with the ridges.

For whatever reason launchbox is seems to randomly choose what it displays which results in a messy library.  this puts me in a position of needing to delete assets in order to show my chosen boxfronts.  That might be okay for some, albeit temporary regardless.   Upon doing a "update metadata & media" scan which one tends to do from time to time, poof - its pulled back down and mucks up the uniformity again.

It also presents an issue for people who want both styles but want to choose which is displayed.

What im proposing/hoping for is basically when you open the edit images dialogue that allows you to pan through, you can pan to the one you want to actually display (if it fits your filters - in my case, box-front) and have THAT be whats chosen to display.  Or perhaps a little check box for your choice.

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