Error scraping Dreamcast games... major issue...

Issue #5773 resolved
Eric Bernard created an issue

I import Dreamcast games under “.gdi” and “.chd” files. When i import CHD files, ALL the files have as name “Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine #10” (hundred of games), and when i edit the images, all the coiver are there on one record (more than 1000 images). All the “.GDI” files are grabbed correctly!

If i replace the name by the good one, all images and videos are there without downloading…

Comments (6)

  1. Eric Bernard reporter

    All my “.gdi” are in folders (with .bin and etc…), and my CHD are standalone files. The scraping whas ok with the previous version (11.7), but i was only using “.chd” files. I’ve added the “.gdi” files since…

  2. Retro808

    Just tested importing about 20 .chd Dreamcast games and the import worked as it should. All images are correct. I would delete those games and try to import again. Can you take snap shots of the import rom screens to post here if the same issue happens again. It would be helpful to see the steps and options you are choosing.

  3. Eric Bernard reporter


    i’ve already try it 2 times before, but i’ve just finished another time, and everything is fine now!

    It took 3 or 4 tries! I don’t understand, maybe a corruption somewhere…


  4. Christian

    Reads like the issue has been resolved by user. If not resolved please let me know and I will reopen the ticket.

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