Feature request: BB clear logos - Generate bordered text first always, replace with image once loaded

Issue #5776 new
tastyratz created an issue

One thing I’ve found in big box is while the image cache helps greatly… if you scroll and skip letters in a way that outruns the cache all the games are blank until loading the clear logos. Moving LB to SSD has helped a lot and updating the cache has as well, but, it still happens - especially when jumping across the alphabet.

Generating text when no clear logos are present is instant and likely very light.

Wouldn’t it make sense if text is always generated first and then overlaid with clear logos when found instead of being blank for sometimes several seconds at a time?

That shouldn’t add much overhead but makes the interface more usable on slow disks or installes with recently updated images.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Leaving this open to remind myself to look into the possibility to integrate this into default themes. That being said this logic IS not possible in 11.10, the Theme creator would have to build the theme up to use it, as it isn’t done by default.

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