Ability to Change Default Metadata Directories

Issue #5780 new
Kirkland Schlicht created an issue

I am currently building a Windows 10 gaming VM with Launchbox as the front-end. I love the look of the app, but I really need to be able to change the default location of downloaded metadata/images/videos to another VM. My Windows 10 VM only has 50GB, whereas I’m storing all my games on a FreeNAS VM.

At the very least, it would be great if we could create the platforms without having to import games. This way we could at least mass edit the platform xml files without waiting to pull data down. Please though, just let us change the default metadata/image/video directories.

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    You can create a platform without importing games. Keep in mind the new platform without imported roms will not show in your platforms list in the LB UI. You can only see and edit it from the Manage Platforms tool. Once you add it you can then edit the image and video location for the games. You can change the default folder location for any existing platform's images and videos this way as well.

    Go to >Tools>Manage Platforms and add the platform you want entering as much data. The Folder tab will not show up until you save the new platform. Once you do that you can then go back and edit that platform from the Manage Platforms tool and change the path location. See below I added Xbox One as an example.

    In the first pic I added it and you see the folders tab is not there since I have not saved it yet. The 2nd pic is after adding and then going back in to edit. The folder tab is now there and I can edit all my default folder locations.

  2. Kirkland Schlicht reporter

    Ok cool! It would still be awesome to have a setting somewhere to change the default for all future platforms so we don’t have to individually do this for each system.

  3. Retro808

    Agreed. This existing process is timely with all the listing you have to change. It has been requested to have a bulk edit option.

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