importing from GOG

Issue #5792 invalid
Pedro Bennetton created an issue

Have found a minor issue with GOG importing recently and not sure if you are aware.
Have had launchbox premier for over a year and accounts with GOG, Steam, Epic, Origin, and Uplay to name a few.

Currently running Launchbox 11.8 on Windows 10 Home.

Recently purchased new Elder Scrolls game and when placing them together in series view noticed the first two were missing. Upon exploration found they were in GOG and redid import to see if they would be picked up but they were’nt.

Got around the issue by downloading and installing the games manually, and then adding them to Launchbox.

It appears that the GOG import wizard is not picking up all items in the account.

My GOG account currently has in excess of 600 games so not sure if this has breached a limitation - no apparent problems with Steam with over 1,400 games though. I know the problem has not been experienced with recent purchases as I would have realised they were not listed once the import process finished, so only seems to affect games already in the library prior to Launchbox import wizards.

Additionally when importing from GOG it appears to list my entire catalogue, but only imports those not already present, whereas the other importers only list catalogue items not already present in Launchbox.

Just wanted to pass this along in case you were not aware there is an issue with the GOG import wizard, and hope the information is helpful.

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    For the games already in your library, I am not sure when you added those, but there is a process in place to make sure those games have a GOG ID associated with them. Did you run the GOG Game Association scan on those previously imported games?

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