Steam Import Issue

Issue #5793 closed
Kirkland Schlicht created an issue

I have been trying to get my Steam library imported into Launchbox, and I’m having some difficulty. I have put in my ID#, API Key, and ensured my profile is public. However, it claims my account could not be accessed. I have restarted Steam, Launchbox, and the VM it is all hosted on.

Something I noticed is that the link referenced inside the launchbox wizard looks like it has been deprecated. In launchbox it shows up as<YOURIDHERE>, but the profile in steam is located at<YOURIDHERE>. Not sure if the internal code has been updated to reflect this change or not, but it is something I noticed.

Comments (3)

  1. Kirkland Schlicht reporter

    Just for fun I tried to trick the wizard with a directory traversal by using “../profiles/<YOURIDHERE>”, to no avail. Might not be possible with the wizard, or I might just be barking up the wrong tree.

  2. Christian

    The link we direct you to uses your public ID as a parameter and is something you setup in your profile settings. The link you gave is one that uses the internal id. The one we reference IS still in use by Steam. To get the user ID we need (and to see that even Steam still references the link we send users to) please do the following:

    Open Steam
    On the top header section select your username
    Select the drop down option “Profile” (second from top)
    In the screen that comes up on the right hand side there should be a blue button that says “Edit Profile”
    On the first page that it opens to (General>About) the first three fields are Profile Name, Real Name, and custom URL.
    Try the first field in the import as well as the API key you generated and the import should be able to detect your games, assuming your profile IS public.

    If after following these steps you still have issues let me know. Also if you can upload any debug logs it would be helpful as well.

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