deprecated n64 emulator

Issue #5823 invalid
Marcin Drobnik created an issue

how about to switch to mupen64plus instead of obsolete mupen64?

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    What verison LB are you on?

    When using the latest LB version and starting from scratch import of N64 the default emulator LB will bring up is Project64. However, if you choose Retroarch then LB will prepopulate Mupen64Plus core. So the Mupen64 is core no longer a default.

    Additionally, the user can switch to any RA core. Just click in the box with the core name and select the one you want that you have downloaded.

  2. Marcin Drobnik reporter

    version 11.8

    i dont like project64 so… i try to avoid it

    i always had bad time configuring retroarch

    mupen was a nice emulator and its multiplatform [iam mostl linux user] thats why i prefered mupen

    iam talking about this place

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