Feature Request: Rewrite metadata based on local (PLEASE)

Issue #5827 resolved
Shane Levin created an issue

Issue: Upon adding local scraper assets to \images \videos etc; Launchbox detects media but does not write local assets to XML. This is vital for frontend support of 10 foot wide interfaces like Pegasus that are compatible with Launchbox but have the additional requirement of the XML being both written and complete.

Example/Bug/Current Situation: Add a Proper-Named video to folder, Load Launchbox and add/change the game, then check the media for video. Video will default to snap, and if you change it it forces LB to write the XML. Therefore current fix is you need to toggle the category of each local image/video.

Feature Request: Tools>Rewrite XML & Optimize Media (Searchs local folders and rewrites “platform”.xml from all local media and metadata fields)

Benefits: Our community uses MANY different tools, asset sites, and scripts (Sselph,UXS,Skraper) to scrape our vast collections. If this feature was ported it would give use all access to the assets without having to rely on tool compatibility with LB.

PS: LB is an amazing peace of software and it’s impressive that we even got this far on our build, couldn't manage without it lol! Thank you all for considering this request and Happy Holidays!

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