Feature Request - Small UI Ideas

Issue #5829 new
Cath Mowr created an issue

Aloha (Mr. Carr?)!

First I wanted to give my thanks and praises for writing this awesome application! Whoever is involved in writing Launchbox - all the goodies for you! I was searching for an app that brings all my PC Games into one place and - while being quite unsatisfied with GOG and Playnite - visually and/or technically - I found a lot of my wishes to come true with Launchbox. Again, awesome job.

So after checking the app out for about a month and using it regularly a few small things came to my mind and I wanted to share them with you. I use Launchbox, not BigBox, just to clarify.

Number 1 is the following : It drives me a little crazy that launchbox positions it items left-justified. My library looks absolutely slick with its self made .pngs of old school game boxes but everything presses itself to the left of my screen. This maybe an odd request but an option to justify items in the library to left, center (!!!) and right would be a very very very welcome feature.

Number 2 concerns sorting the items in the lib. I am very thankful for all the sorting options but having this ugly gray bar (f.e. “favourites : yes / favourites : no) in the middle or on top of my library makes me use none of them. The option to disable it would make a dream come true, i don’t think it is necessary to visualize the option one picked in the library part directly.

Number 3 is about Game Detail view. It would be great not just to be able to activate and deactivate the sections (like publisher, year, studio, videos etc.) but also to adjust the order in which they show.

Number 4 is one I am sure you already heard but again : it would be nice to be able to import blizzard games without having to install them. Just for completness. I am kind of sure that this hasn’t happened yet because blizzard threw stones at you trying. Whatever.

Thanks again for all the neat stuff in LB, thanks for steam achievements, the ability to modify representation of your games in such detail, thanks for badges (NEAT!) and all the other stuff i forgot. BAM.

All the best and a happy new year!

Comments (1)

  1. Christian

    Thanks for all the praise and gratitude for the product, I am glad you are enjoying it. Most of your issues can be solved by creating and utilizing a custom theme for LaunchBox. I do not know any that do the things you want off hand but that would be the best way to achieve what you are looking for. I will leave the ticket open so Jason can see this and others can chime in and vote on it should they agree.

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