feature request - magazine & tv commercial section

Issue #5834 new
Tom Leavy created an issue

Hello, it would be amazing to have a dedicated option to import digital magazines and tv commercials. I know this can be done by importing pdf files and mp4 files as a rom or other. But this isn’t ideal because they’re treated as Roms.

Also having a book shelf / news stand UI within big box would be huge. And nostalgic.

I truly believe that digital magazines and tv commercials are overwhelming overlooked. This feature would be something that would widely be used.

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    What specifically are you looking for in a dedicated option? Looking to add as a support file to a game or are you looking to have something added to the >Tools>Import options?

    Any file can be added to LB using the drag and drop method as a current workaround. After dropping the prompt will give you some options. Choose “None of the Above”. This will allow you to add without needing to specify an emulator as it does not treat the file as a rom.

  2. Christian

    Just so we are clear, are you asking for the ability to import these as individual items via the import tool like games are now, or as new image/video types for game media?

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