trying to add license

Issue #5854 resolved
Chris Cline created an issue

crashed when linking to newly purchased license file.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Does LaunchBox just close or does it give you an error message first? If it gives you an error message could you please add it to his ticket so we can better access what is going on?

  2. Chris Cline reporter

    I didn’t save the screen for you, sorry, I thought this was auto creating an airbreak for you or something similar. It only happened the once. Trying again solved the problem.

    If there are any logs that go into windows events, i can try to track those down for you, otherwise, feel free to resolve this ticket.

  3. Christian

    Thanks for the quick reply. I will resolve the ticket for now since it sounds you have it taken care of. If it comes back please create a new ticket and if possible copy/paste and error messages you see to the new ticket (or attach a screen grab).

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