Launchbox Freeze lock up 11.9 Beta 4 and 5 - Debug log included

Issue #5868 new
Matt McFeely created an issue

Been using the latest beta and getting freezing after every edit when I add a video. It Freezes randomly and I have to hit End Process and reload. Add the next few videos and it freezes after Hitting Okay then rinse repeat. Sometimes I can get 5 in sometimes 1 when it freezes.

See this error in the log

021-01-25 10:15:33 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
2021-01-25 10:15:33 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
2021-01-25 10:15:33 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
2021-01-25 10:15:33 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
2021-01-25 10:15:33 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
2021-01-25 10:15:33 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)

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