Better control over custom command line parameter setups

Issue #5890 invalid
Rebecca Paliwoda created an issue

It would be nice to have better control over custom command line parameters. Chiefly this has been an issue for emulators where I need to provide certain command line parameters after the ROM file is specified, or really any emulator where ROM file is supplied as a parameter and not simply ‘the last thing provided’.

So, feature request: let us use a placeholder for ROM file path, as it’s not always going to be workable to just provide it as the final parameter for an emulator.

I don’t know whether this should be major or minor, but at the very least it blocks some modern Saturn emulators from running flawlessly and seamlessly.

Comments (2)

  1. Rebecca Paliwoda reporter

    This doesn’t seem to be reflected in the sample command preview when setting up emulators - the example path-to-romfile is still shown at the end of the command. Is it intended to be used there, or is it only for use with specific roms rather than an emulator as a whole?

    Having tested it with Kronos, it doesn’t itself seem to fix the issue that requires something to be specified after the rom file, but I’m not sure if this is Kronos acting up or if it’s Launchbox; is there any way to get Launchbox to display the full command it used to launch the emulator?

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