Configurable Marque settings

Issue #5915 duplicate
Seth Detert created an issue

First of I want to say thank you to all the devs that work on this project. I have really appreciated launchbox/bigbox and has kept me motivated to build my cab out.

My request is to make the marquee function configurable to display a different artwork path, multiple pieces of artwork, or the ability to rotate between the artwork. I am running a two screen set up and I would like to display the marquee and the controls for the games on my second monitor. Mame has something that I had started to configure through the .lay files for this but I realized several things…

that it wouldn’t work with any of my other systems.

not all other emulators support artwork on a second monitor

In mame I would need to update the .lay file for every game

Since launchbox already has associated images with the rom that I am running it would be seamless for all my platforms if I could use launchbox to get the images and display them.

I hope you give it some consideration. Lifetime license and would be willing to put some money on this if we could get it across the finish line.

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    From a coding perspective this is possible. You can use notepad++ to edit or create a GameMarqueeView.xml and create a custom media layout. An example of what can be done is seen in this screen shot. Marquee that uses static background with changing clear logo, controller layout, and game notes.

    From a UI aspect like any other view in BigBox this is not something you can do from within the UI.

  2. Seth Detert reporter

    Thanks for the direction. I toyed around with it a bit last night and got to to work! I definitely have some work to clean it up but I got it displaying multiple images and was able to position them a bit.

    Thanks a ton!

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