MAME full manual import (checkbox to allow import of all selected roms)

Issue #5945 resolved
famigami created an issue

My understanding is that 11.9 is Mame version agnostic and includes the 227 xml files. I am trying to import the 227 update roms to a Temp platform.

There are 168 files that I drag and drop into Launchbox for import. I tell it to scan as Arcade with MAME as the emulator. Import all duplicates, etc.... I want to import all 168 files.

Yet the above is all Launchbox is recognizing.

Even if I try to import as none of the above instead of roms, it is only recognizing the same set of games. It will only import all the files if I DO NOT select scan as Arcade AND do not select MAME, but then I get this:

Which is not acceptable because although all the roms are there, it isn't assigning the names to the roms. You can clearly see above that there are games in that list: biplane, ator, atroamb, arcade10, bbust2, bit90 are some examples.

If this manual import wizard is applying the same rom restrictions as the full set importer, then this seems redundant. I feel like the difference is that this import process should afford the choice to import “unwanted” files, if that’s what the user wants to do.

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    I was attempting to reproduce and have found the cause for the problem you are facing. Please when importing these on the Options screen (last screen before the game list) check “Force using MAME metadata” and you will get a filter screen. Uncheck all boxes on that screen and all the roms should appear in the list with metadata.

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