Crashes with videos enabled

Issue #595 invalid
Meson W created an issue

Launchbox 5.8 & 5.9-beta-6 (note: having read that VLC integration is coming, hopefully this will resolve the issue I'm experiencing with the Window Media playback of videos)

Windows 10 Home

Selecting a game with a video plays it no problem. However, then selecting another game with a video causes the UI to freeze and stop responding to input, the video stops playing (sometimes corrupting the image), the music of the original video continues to play for a few seconds before stopping, then the application needs killing from Task Manager.

With a video playing, re-selecting the platform or another platform usually stops the video no problem and allows selection of another game with a video. However, sometimes this also crashes it.

Right-clicking the video and stopping it, then selecting another game still causes the same UI crash.

Occurs when in a window, maximised or full-screen.

Switching from a game with video to a game without video, or with just music doesn't usually cause a crash, but very rapid clicking between can.

Using the little Info icon to switch to another game sometimes works, sometimes crashes it - possibly if the interface is 'unloading' the video correctly between it is okay?

The following actions present no issue every time: -

With a video playing, closing the details pane before selecting another game plays the video fine.

Games with no videos, with or without music, is no issue. It is solely with videos the issue occurs.

If the application loses focus, the video pauses and resumes when focus is returned, as expected.

Big Box mode works fine, switching games with videos with no lag and no issues with playback.

Other info: - Videos are largely .mp4 files acquired from an emumovies import. Launchbox process can consume anything from 360MB to 800MB+, but no pattern with crashing.

Setting changes attempted: - Increased RAM Cache from 1GB to 4GB (I have a 32GB system) - no impact (I suspect this is only for images anyway?). Turned off video smoothing - no impact.

Comments (9)

  1. Meson W reporter

    Just updated to 5.9-beta-6, which doesn't mention VLC integration in the changelog, so as expected, the issue still remains.

  2. Meson W reporter

    Thanks Brad. I've installed the codec pack. It seems that I can switch between more games before it crashes now, maybe 3 or 4, but it still then locks up as before. There are a vast amount of options to tweak with the codec pack, I don't suppose there are any logs produced by Launchbox to possibly indicate where to start investigating with those options? I also note there is now a VLC folder in the Launchbox directory that appeared with the Beta-7 release updated to today. I can feel VLC integration a-coming :)

  3. Brad Cheyne

    VLC integration is already in BoxBox, but will be in LaunchBox shortly. Since it got here faster than even I thought, if you're ok I can go ahead and close this ticket now because this will hopefully solve the problem. If however you still have the problem after testing with VLC you can either make a new ticket or I can re-open this ticket. It's up to you.

    I would hide the video from the sidebar until then so at least you can use LB without it crashing. Tools -> Options then Game Details on the left. Video is under Show, just uncheck the box. This is just temp until we get that in. I would also suggest to follow the Beta thread too so you can get e-mailed when there are posts made to it, that way you know what's going on:

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