Game Directory

Issue #5956 invalid
Rodrigo Pedro created an issue


It isn’t a important bug, but if I import roms and choose to leave roms in the same directory (without copy or move to launchbox folder), when I scan for new or delete roms, application cannot find any roms, because the directory game in platform folder is pointing to defaul directory.

Windows 10, LB 11.9

Sorry my english. if you have any questions, please let me know. Regards

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    This is not a bug it is by design. LB does not change the default game folder location unless you tell it to. Even if you import roms initially and tell the import wizard to leave the roms where you have them that is not a setting change to have LB also change the default game folder location. The user must do that by editing the folder.

    If you wish to make this a feature request that when you use the option to leave the roms where they are it also changes the default location let me know and we can edit the ticket to be a request.

  2. Rodrigo Pedro reporter

    Ok, I understand your "idea", isn't wrong at all. I thinked it was a bug. To me, it makes sense to change the folder when I select another folder in the import process, but you aren't wrong at all.

    By the way, I have my own server and put all my rooms and gameplay videos there. This way is more simple to me, because I can play rooms from any device (pc game, laptop or mibox). I want too put all media files (all images) in the server, but changing all default folders will take a while. Is there any method to change all default folders?

    Thanks in advance,

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