Slow loading large game list, suggestions

Issue #5961 new
Marcos González Troyas created an issue

I have tens of thousands of games on my collection. Launchbox takes 30-40 seconds to start up. With only 1000 games on a clean install it starts up almost instantly.

I have platforms organized under several root categories. Only the last used one is expanded by default. I suggest loading only what's expanded on startup, and then loading the rest of the games on background or only when other part of the tree is expanded by the user.

As a last resort, I ask allowing to load only a part of the platforms, via some command line option or profile manager.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    Typically when a user has that many games we see a slow down when they also have a lot of auto-populated playlists. I would suggest changing any playlist you don’t see changing much in the near future to a regular playlist (just uncheck the auto-generate button) and then see if that improves your start up times.

  2. Marcos González Troyas reporter

    Well, I don't use playlists too much, anyway on startup there’s a “loading games” message and “loading playlists” and “populating playlists” ones. The later only last one or two seconds, the 15-20 seconds are spent on the “loading games” message.

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