Scrollbar with Letter indication

Issue #5965 new
Panos created an issue

I love Launchbox/BigBox BUT over the time Launchbox has become less and less snapy. I would love a letter indication in the Launchbox scrollbar when we scroll up and down so we can check in which lteer of the romlist we are. If it is possible to have the scrollbar scroll the list of games realtime as well, it would be awesome.

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    Responded to your post on the forum how you can edit the theme’s code to change the scroll characteristic. Leaving ticket open since it also suggested adding a letter indicator.

  2. Christian

    You can also select the item in the grid and just push the letter (or string) you want to navigate to and it will jump to the first game that starts with that letter (or string). For example pressing just 'P' will jump you to the first P title. Pressing S+U+P+E+R will take you to the first game that starts with the string “Super”.

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