FeatureRequest: OptionEnable>Randomized startup sound.

Issue #5970 new
SnakeWildlife created an issue

In reference to: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/60409-can-i-randomize-startup-sound-if-not-then-its-a-suggestion-for-the-dev-team/

Instead of using a fixed theme startup sound, i would love an option, which if enabled, will play a Randomized startup sound from a collection, from a particular directory. This prevents startup sound fatigue.

Instead of Startup.mp3, a random startup sound would be chosen and played from Startup$number.mp3

(Startup0.mp3 , Startup1.mp3 , Startup2.mp3, etc)

“Big Box Initialising” every startup, becomes repetetive and instead of changing it to another sound (for that too, to become repetetive), i would like a sound to be played at random.

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