Show games not installed in a different way (e.g. semi-opaque)

Issue #5973 open
Martin Conroy created an issue

Hi Jason,
I often forget what games I have on Steam/Epic/GoG etc if they are not installed. Obviously I can add uninstalled games to LB, but they appear just like any other games. I'm aware you can add a badge but this isn't that distinctive (in my opinion) Would be great if they had some degree of transparency like I mocked up below that distinguished them, unless this is possible and I'm missing something?

Comments (6)

  1. Christian

    This is possible via theming. Would just add a style trigger that set the opacity to the desired amount if the Game.Installed binding path is false.

  2. Martin Conroy reporter

    Could we not have a universal setting so we don’t have to rely on themers to add this?

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