Add Exposure to member playlists for ROMs to Theme Creators

Issue #5977 new
PiperCalls created an issue

Would like the ability for a theme to be able to reference what Playlists a game is a member of. Currently a theme can show info about a ROM such as genres, region, number players, etc. Need to be able to also show what Playlists the ROM Currently belongs too for proper management, particularly for large libraries.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    You can write a plugin that does this should you need to do so. Currently though a game has no idea what playlist(s) it belongs to as that information isn’t important for it to do it’s job. You would have to query IDatamanager for AllPlaylists, and then look through each playlists games and see if the game in question is in there. The whole process could get very time consuming / CPU intensive though if doing it for an entire platform at once.

  2. PiperCalls reporter

    Hi, thanks for responding on this. Yea it seems that a plugin to query would bog the system down. I don’t know the code obviously but question, would it be an option to add it into the xml file where the rom/game info is kept when the rom is added to a playlist? So in the “game” xml, along with the other info (emulator, game name, etc) it would also contain playlist1, playlist2, etc so that the theme would get that info? Again I don’t know how the code works just off the top of my head it seems maybe this would be less intensive than querying every time a new game/rom is pulled up.


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