MS DOS importer with does not work on a directory containing sub-directories (edited)

Issue #5980 invalid
mister ten9 created an issue
  • start the import wizard for MS DOS
  • Pick a map that contains submaps with ms dos games
  • They will be identified correctly by the wizard
  • When pressing finish, nothing happens, nothing will be imported

It looks like this was introduced in version 11.9

Comments (10)

  1. mister ten9 reporter

    If you have for instance the following directory structure: (see image below)

    If you now use the DOS import wizard and select the map named ‘1985’ for import (while leaving all files in place), it imports nothing, while the wizard does recognize the zip file in the last wizard step. Try it, you’ll see what I mean.

  2. Christian

    I’m not having a problem on my end. Though the screen shot leaves me with another question. Is the game you are trying to import installed, or in an archive like your picture suggests?

  3. mister ten9 reporter

    I just tried it again when the file is unzipped. And then it works. So that’s the problem. I’m sorry for the trouble.

  4. mister ten9 reporter

    Hello Christian,

    I found out what is causing the fact that nothing is imported. It wasn't zipped files. I unzipped everything in separate folders. If there is one game you want to import that has no .EXE or .COM file, no file will be imported. In a lot of DOS collections there are some .BAS files (BASIC files). These cause the entire set of imports to fail.

    For instance if the wizard shows this in the last step:

    Nothing will be imported because of 'Lucky seven'. It has a .BAS file in its folder. It has no .EXE.

    If I remove the row for Lucky Seven. Everything will be fine. Everything will be imported.

    Kind Regards,


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