Developer list

Issue #600 invalid
Ron Barker created an issue

Small issue it would probably take most forever to notice.

It's only happening in the developer field.

If you have multiple developers, it then creates that as a separate entry in the dropdown next time.

Say, you enter Naughty Dog

Next time, you'll have a drop down for it

Say, you enter Naughty Dog; Insomniac

There will then be two entries in the drop down as Naughty Dog Naughty Dog; Insomniac

Instead of creating two separate single developer entries, like it does in the genre field.

(I'm anal about what genres my games are in, and will fill in the developer and publisher fields if they're empty and I can find them)

Comments (4)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Sorry if I am being a bit daft about this, but what exactly are you asking? You want developers to be on all single lines?

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Ron, I tried to replicate but I'm also not following. The dropdown seems to be working properly for me. Can you explain further?

  3. Ron Barker reporter

    Sorrry, I missed when this came in.

    Say you enter Neversoft; Insomniac

    It's listed in the checkboxes when you use the dropdown as Neversoft; Insomniac

    Instead of Neversoft Insomniac

    in the check box list.

    Then you have say Neversoft; EA Games

    you have Neversoft; Insomniac Neversoft; EA Games

    in the checkbox drop down instead of Neversoft Insomniac EA Games

    So eventually, you wind up with drop down check boxes of EA Games Insomniac Insomniac; Neversoft Insomniac; EA Games EA Games Neversoft

    If you do the same in genre, say RPG; Action; Shooter

    then the drop down separates them and you only see RPG Action Shooter

    It winds up growing the developer list to a wholly unmanageable length when you wind up with EA Games having 40 different entries as they collaborate on a release.


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